Sharon's stitch for week 30 is Oyster stitch. Needless to say again this stitch was new to me. This is a more complex stitch but as soon as you recognize how it works it's lot of fun. Again I must say I like the stitch for adding structure to your embroidery. If you want to learn the stitch swing over to Sharon's Stitch Dictionary or have a look at Mary Corbert's little film. Here is my exercise called "Wisp of Wind"::
Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2012
Sharon gab für Woche 30 den Oyster stitch als Aufgabe. Überflüssig zu sagen, auch dieser Stich war neu für mich. Dies ist ein etwas komplexerer Stich, doch erkennt man, wie er geht, so ist er wirklich sehr einfach. Wiederum muss ich sagen, ich mag auch diesen Stich sehr, vielleicht weil er der Stickerei Struktur verleiht. Sollte jemand Lust haben, den Stich zu erlernen, schaut hier nach. Als sehr nützlich erweisen kann sich ja immer ein kleiner Film. Den findet ihr hier. So schaut meine Übung, die ich "Windhauch" nenne, aus:
Sharon's stitch for week 30 is Oyster stitch. Needless to say again this stitch was new to me. This is a more complex stitch but as soon as you recognize how it works it's lot of fun. Again I must say I like the stitch for adding structure to your embroidery. If you want to learn the stitch swing over to Sharon's Stitch Dictionary or have a look at Mary Corbert's little film. Here is my exercise called "Wisp of Wind"::
Sharon's stitch for week 30 is Oyster stitch. Needless to say again this stitch was new to me. This is a more complex stitch but as soon as you recognize how it works it's lot of fun. Again I must say I like the stitch for adding structure to your embroidery. If you want to learn the stitch swing over to Sharon's Stitch Dictionary or have a look at Mary Corbert's little film. Here is my exercise called "Wisp of Wind"::
Samstag, 21. Juli 2012
Der Basque Stitch steht diese Woche bei TAST auf dem Programm. Wiederum ein für mich neuer Stich. Zunächst war es nicht Liebe auf den ersten Blick, doch mittlerweile habe ich zu diesem Stich fast sowas wie eine Liebesbeziehung entwickelt. Sollte jemand Lust auf den Basque Stitch haben, in Sharons Stichlexikon findet ihr die Anleitung. Hier nun mein Stickversuch:
Over on TAST Baque Stich is on tap this week. Again the stitch was new to me. This time it was not love at first sight but in the meantime something like a love affair to this stitch has developed. If anyone wants to learn Basque Stitch have a look at Sharon's Stitch Dictionary. Now here is my attempt:
Over on TAST Baque Stich is on tap this week. Again the stitch was new to me. This time it was not love at first sight but in the meantime something like a love affair to this stitch has developed. If anyone wants to learn Basque Stitch have a look at Sharon's Stitch Dictionary. Now here is my attempt:
Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012
Woche 28 Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch und Juli-Block für CQJP/ Week29 Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch and July-block for CQJP
Sharon gab in der letzten Woche den Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch als Aufgabe. Ich mag den Buttonhole Stitch sehr gerne und es hat mir auch großen Spaß gemacht, diesen für mich wieder neuen Stich zu erlernen und ein wenig damit zu experimentieren. Sollte jemand diesen Stich lernen wollen, so findet ihr hier ein Tutorial. Ich selbst finde kleine Filme immer sehr nützlich und schaue immer gerne bei Mary Corbet. Hier kommt ihr zum Film. So schaut mein Stickversuch aus:
Sharon 's challenge for week 28 was Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch. I seem to like all members of the buttonhole family and so I had lot of fun learning and experimenting with this new stitch. For all those who want to learn this stitch swing over to Sharon's stitch dictionary. Personally I find films very useful and I like to look at Mary Corbet's films. Here you can find the proper film for Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch. Here
is my attempt:is my attempt:

Weiters möchte ich euch heute noch meinen Juli-Block "Deep Blue Sea" für das CQJ-Projekt zeigen:
Further I would like to show you my block#7 "Deep Blue Sea" for the CQJP:
Sharon 's challenge for week 28 was Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch. I seem to like all members of the buttonhole family and so I had lot of fun learning and experimenting with this new stitch. For all those who want to learn this stitch swing over to Sharon's stitch dictionary. Personally I find films very useful and I like to look at Mary Corbet's films. Here you can find the proper film for Up and Down Buttonhole Stitch. Here
is my attempt:is my attempt:
Weiters möchte ich euch heute noch meinen Juli-Block "Deep Blue Sea" für das CQJ-Projekt zeigen:
Further I would like to show you my block#7 "Deep Blue Sea" for the CQJP:
Samstag, 7. Juli 2012
Sharons Stich für Woche 27 ist der Bonnet stitch und wieder war der Stickstich neu für mich. Ich bin richtig froh, mein Sticherepertoire zu erweitern und falls jemand von euch diesen Stich erlernen will, so schaut hier in Sharons Sticklexikon nach.
Der Bonnet Stich ging mir gleich von Anfang an gut von der Hand und die Arbeit an dieser kleinen freien Stickerei hat mir großen Spaß gemacht:
Sharon's stitch for week 27 is Bonnet stitch and again the stitch was new to me. I'm very happy learning more and more stitches. If anyone would like to get to know Bonnet stitch so swing over to Sharon's stitch library. From the beginning I liked bonnet stitch and I had lot of fun stitching this little free embroidery:
Sharon's stitch for week 27 is Bonnet stitch and again the stitch was new to me. I'm very happy learning more and more stitches. If anyone would like to get to know Bonnet stitch so swing over to Sharon's stitch library. From the beginning I liked bonnet stitch and I had lot of fun stitching this little free embroidery:
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